So now it's time to


Science, soul and savvy!

Hey there! I’m so excited you’re here at the Women’s Purpose Project™ (WPP™).This has been evolving and growing for some time now and goodness me has it taken me on journey…literally and metaphorically! So here I am a kind of blend between what I call science, soul and savvy. Sitting with a calling that I have felt since I was little girl. You see, I think women are amazing when they stand in who they are. But, modern life makes it hard for women to stay connected to that woman within. How often have I heard the deep cry of “How did my life get to this?” and “I don’t know who I am anymore”….or the big one “I don’t even know where to start to make it different”.


"We will often come to these crossroads to live more deeply but then don’t know how to make changes. "

In my years working with women I so often witnessed the struggle to live life authentically. Something seems to happen where who we are gets put to the side as life gets filled with roles and busyness. We end up living a surface life or a life focussed on everything outside of us instead of what’s inside of us. We will often come to these crossroads to live more deeply but then don’t know how to make changes. So we end up down the path that’s familiar again. And I get it….I’ve been there often….yes, apparently I needed the lesson a few times! But there was a very particular moment where I got to that crossroad again, that was different. It was in a split second a got hit with a truth. Through a quick glance in my rear view mirror as I was changing lanes I saw myself for the first time. I had travelled so far away from who I knew myself to be that I didn’t even realise it until this simple but life changing moment. I was so lost but that woman within also looked back with this expression of "don’t you turn away from me again!". You see, I was not living in alignment with my own true self. I had her shutdown inside. On the surface I was ticking all the boxes of life. I pulled over in my car and I bawled. I had "fitted in" without realising it, without even seeing it. I too had that realisation of not having any idea of how to make it different.

"I found ways to understand and listen and respond to myself that showed me what was meaningful and purposeful to the woman within me."

"I found ways to understand and listen and respond to myself that showed me what was meaningful and purposeful to the woman within me."

Out of this truth began the journey that eventually became the Women’s Purpose Project™. I found ways to understand and listen and respond to myself that showed me what was meaningful and purposeful to the woman within me. What I love about this personal experience is that I was then able see the "woman within" of the women around me, even when they couldn’t.

So here is where the science, soul and savvy comes in. I added to the learning journey I was on and expanded the search with total curiosity. The “science” is in my Doctoral training in Counselling Psychology and being in the field for 20 years which I have loved. The “soul” is in a deep passion and drive to explore what has come before us and how other cultures hold and practice this thing called being human. From shamanic practices to Hawaiin principles and practices I learnt the connection and wisdom of nature and how it guides who we are to be the best version of ourselves. I am so drawn to how these ancient principles can provide balance to modern living. This is where the "savvy" comes in. I went exploring more structured modalities to help me bridge the gap between science and soul, of modern life with ancient principles. So I also became a Trainer and Master Practitioner of Soul Coaching™ (a great blend of old and new wisdom), and a practitioner of mBraining, Matrix/NLP, and Life Coaching skills.

"I want a world where women are safe, valued, honoured and fully

present in their life. "

So why was this melting pot of science, soul and savvy so important? ….because that’s how strong this calling has been to bring something more holistic to the modern woman who is seeking to reconnect with herself, to know herself again and to live a life that answers the calling of her own woman within.

So here I am, bringing science, soul and savvy to the table to help you live fully, lead passionately and love boldly by helping you embrace, embody and empower the woman within. I want a world where women are safe, valued, honoured and fully present in their life. The Women’s Purpose Project™ will evolve and grow because that’s how we roll. It’s here for you to find your voice, your passion, your purpose. I want women to be in love with their life because they’ve learnt to love themselves. I truly believe that when women own who they are the world around them changes for the better. This is why I think all women are leaders and it is our time now.

It is YOUR


... what I discovered is your purpose is a way of life that requires connection with the woman within.

When you know her you get to EMBRACE, EMBODY and EMPOWER your life to be more authentic and intentionally driven.

You stop living the life you "should" and start loving the life you want.


The W.O.M.A.N Blueprint™ is a great start point to just this!

Hey there! I’m so excited you’re here at the Women’s Purpose Project™ (WPP™).This has been evolving and growing for some time now and goodness me has it taken me on journey…literally and metaphorically! So here I am a kind of blend between what I call science, soul and savvy. Sitting with a calling that I have felt since I was little girl. You see, I think women are amazing when they stand in who they are. But, modern life makes it hard for women to stay connected to that woman within. How often have I heard the deep cry of “How did my life get to this?” and “I don’t know who I am anymore”….or the big one “I don’t even know where to start to make it different."

"I want you to live fully, lead passionately

and love boldly."

In my years working with women I so often witnessed the struggle to live life authentically. Something seems to happen where who we are gets put to the side as life gets filled with roles and busyness. We end up living a surface life or a life focused on everything outside of us instead of what’s inside of us. We will often come to these crossroads to live more deeply but then don’t know how to make changes. So we end up down the path that’s familiar again. And I get it….I’ve been there often….yes, apparently I needed the lesson a few times! But there was a very particular moment where I got to that crossroad again, that was different. It was in a split second a got hit with a truth. Through a quick glance in my rear view mirror as I was changing lanes I saw myself for the first time. I had travelled so far away from who I knew myself to be that I didn’t even realise it until this simple but life changing moment. I was so lost but that woman within also looked back with this expression of "don’t you turn away from me again!". You see, I was not living in alignment with my own true self. I had her shutdown inside. On the surface I was ticking all the boxes of life. I pulled over in my car and I bawled. I had "fitted in" without realising it, without even seeing it. I too had that realisation of not having any idea of how to make it different.

"I found ways to understand and listen and respond to myself that showed me what was meaningful and purposeful to the woman within me."

Out of this truth began the journey that eventually became the Women’s Purpose Project™. I found ways to understand and listen and respond to myself that showed me what was meaningful and purposeful to the woman within me. What I love about this personal experience is that I was then able see the "woman within" of the women around me, even when they couldn’t.

So here is where the science, soul and savvy comes in. I added to the learning journey I was on and expanded the search with total curiosity. The “science” is in my Doctoral training in Counselling Psychology and being in the field for 20 years which I have loved. The “soul” is in a deep passion and drive to explore what has come before us and how other cultures hold and practice this thing called being human. From shamanic practices to Hawaiin principles and practices I learnt the connection and wisdom of nature and how it guides who we are to be the best version of ourselves. I am so drawn to how these ancient principles can provide balance to modern living. This is where the "savvy" comes in. I went exploring more structured modalities to help me bridge the gap between science and soul, of modern life with ancient principles. So I also became a Trainer and Master Practitioner of Soul Coaching™ (a great blend of old and new wisdom), and a practitioner of mBraining, Matrix/NLP, and Life Coaching skills.

"I want a world where women

are safe, valued, honoured and

fully present in their life. "

So why was this melting pot of science, soul and savvy so important? ….because that’s how strong this calling has been to bring something more holistic to the modern woman who is seeking to reconnect with herself, to know herself again and to live a life that answers the calling of her own woman within.

So here I am, bringing science, soul and savvy to the table to help you live fully, lead passionately and love boldly by helping you embrace, embody and empower the woman within. I want a world where women are safe, valued, honoured and fully present in their life. The Women’s Purpose Project™ will evolve and grow because that’s how we roll. It’s here for you to find your voice, your passion, your purpose. I want women to be in love with their life because they’ve learnt to love themselves. I truly believe that when women own who they are the world around them changes for the better. This is why I think all women are leaders and it is our time now.

It is YOUR


... what I discovered is your purpose is a way of life that requires connection with the woman within.

When you know her you get to EMBRACE, EMBODY and EMPOWER your life to be more authentic and intentionally driven.

You stop living the life you "should" and start loving the life you want.


The W.O.M.A.N Blueprint™ is a great start point to just this!




The heart of the Women's Purpose Project™

Written for women who feel lost and out of connection with themselves and their life. It’s for women who are worn out in mind, body, heart and spirit but don’t know how to make it different. It’s for those women who are deeply hearing the calling from the woman inside them but don’t know how to answer her.

Offered as a group journey connecting with other women or as a !:1 journey diving deep into your unique life this program serves to review, realign and reawaken the woman within so that you can love your life again.


Time to drop out and focus on you.

Sometimes you just need to STOP and not worry about anyone else but you! Come and connect with other women and share in some fun, laughter and tears (on occasion). These workshops were made in response to what woman have asked for. There is something powerful about sharing the experience with other women. . ,


Self drive your own adventure!

Feeling curious and just want to explore things for yourself? Want the flexibility of being able to do your own journey when and where you want? This is the option for you to take your time and explore.




The heart of the Women's Purpose Project™

Written for women who feel lost and out of connection with themselves and their life. It’s for women who are worn out in mind, body, heart and spirit but don’t know how to make it different. It’s for those women who are deeply hearing the calling from the woman inside them but don’t know how to answer her.

Offered as a group journey connecting with other women or as a !:1 journey diving deep into your unique life this program serves to review, realign and reawaken the woman within so that you can love your life again.


Time to drop out and focus on you.

Sometimes you just need to STOP and not worry about anyone else but you! Come and connect with other women and share in some fun, laughter and tears (on occasion). These workshops were made in response to what woman have asked for. There is something powerful about sharing the experience with other women.


Self drive your own adventure!

Feeling curious and just want to explore things for yourself? Want the flexibility of being able to do your own journey when and where you want? This is the option for you to take your time and explore.

Is this the right fit for you?

coaching or therapy?

Watch below to see what the difference is...

YOU just want to stop the busy?

Get My 4 Busy Busting, Buzz Boosting Tips in "Don't Let Busy Be Your Buzz"

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Please note, that any resources, coaching, workshops or programs of the Women's Purpose Project™ are not psychological therapy and are not a replacement for your psychological, mental health or medical care provided by trained practitioners. Programs offered on are services offered as a wholistic pathway to growth using coaching methods. These programs will not be offered whilst you are under psychological care with Dr Cassandra Schwind.